When You're Ready by J.L Berg

Have you ever had tragedy strike you so deep that you weren't sure if you would be able to live another day?
I love drama in books, I enjoy the angst. I love when a book takes me by surprise because it was not what I was at all expecting.
Clare is the protagonist in the story and it is tragic and heart wrenching She is a strong character. She is single mother and not by choice. Life intervened and took the man she married and loved. When she talks about her late husband and the love they shared, I felt it deep within me. How does one go one from tragedy? How do you learn to open up to the possibility of love again? How do you do that when you have a little girl to take care of? Its not easy and Clare has been holding back because of all of these things.
Logan...he is described as Dr. McSteamy! Well hot damn that caught my attention straight away.
Logan is your typical bachelor who is a whore with women. After a failed marriage he goes to Richmond to be closer to his friend Colin. He thinks he will never find love after growing up with a father who cared only about appearances and a mother who just left him, he is scared. You know life and fate, they can come at you when you least expect it. When he meets Clare and her 4 yr old daughter Maddie something changes with in him. As they come together they both have to learn to open up and share things even the painful ones. Love blossoms and I am so happy for them.
There are times that her husband Ethan is brought up and I cried. That must have been a hard thing for her to go through. As the story progresses and you think FINALLY this woman is getting her HEA, another blow. WHAT???!!! How can that even happen and NOOOOO not again is what ran through my mind.
Clare has a letter that her late husband had written her, and it helps her as well as Logan. I thought about myself being in this situation and I really have no clue how I would be able to handle it.
The secondary characters are amazing, I especially love Leah, Clare's BFF. She reminded me a lot of me and my friends, the way we act and talk to one another. She was Clare's rock.
I enjoyed this book and the realness of it all. The fact that life is never perfect and you lose loved ones. Also it is a story of second and well third chances. This story is not exactly what I thought it would be. It was better, I cried, I laughed, I awwwwed. It was well written with the story flowing seamlessly. For that I gave this book
4/5 hearts
One more thing the name of the book reminds me of the song by Selena Gomez...You know "When youre ready come and get in Nananana"